Products and Services
Integrated Civil Explosives and Mining Services Provider.
GrandDev™ On-Site Mixed Emulsion Explosive

On-site mixed emulsion explosive is created by using a mobile mixing truck that combines emulsion matrix with a sensitizer at the blast site. This mixture is then safely and efficiently loaded into blastholes. where the chemical foaming and sensitization process occurs.

Key Benefits
Key Benefits
Compared to packaged explosives, it eliminates the need for packaging, handling and storage, allowing for direct mechanized loading on-site, which provides significant economic benefits to producers and users; By pumping aqueous phase, oil phase, or emulsion matrix with a sensitizer into the blasthole, the chemical foaming and sensitization process safely creates the explosive, ensuring inherent safety during production, shipping, and loading; The process allows real-time optimization of technical properties based on climate, rock properties, and loading structure, adjusting VOD and density to ensure a match between the explosive and rock for effective blasting; The product offers excellent water resistance, loading from the bottom of the blasthole to displace water, addressing issues of discontinuous, poorly coupled, and inefficient loading in water-filled holes. This on-site mixed emulsion explosive is particularly suitable for underwater drilling and blasting, as well as upward loading in fan-shaped holes in underground mines.
Storage and Shipping
Storage and Shipping
Please refer to the technical data sheet for details.
It is widely used in mining, shaft tunneling. underwater blasting, and other engineering blasting operations. It is suitable for blasting projects without gas or mine dust hazards.